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Frequently asked questions

Is it legal?
Our service fulfils all the norms and is abiding all the rules for treatment of farm fertiliser. Animal droppings that are the content of our packages represent absolutely no health hazards when treated in accordance with our instructions.
What animal pooped my shit?
We use only shit taken from animals of private local farmers who keep their stock in open ranges – meadows, where the animals live happily in their natural habitat. In case of exotic species we cooperate with leading Czech ZOOs, that belong to some of the most successful and most decorated ZOOs in Europe, such as ZOO Prague.
Can I send a message with the shit?
Yes, the only thing you have to do is fill in the bracket message for recipient In this message you can tell the recipient absolutely anything, for example even who was the nice person who sent him this gift... We ourselves will then rewrite this text to the message that goes with the shit.
Can I send the shit to someone anonymously?
Yes, if you do not mention your name or nickname in the message that can be send with the present, the recipient will never know who the sender of our little surprise was.
I received the shit…what to do with it?
Animal dung is the perfect fertilizer, so use it well! Whoever sent you the shit must have thought about your flowers. For example elephant dung is especially highly recommended as a fertilizer for roses. There will surely be someone in your family who will appreciate this precious material.

We also strongly recommend you to think very hard about who might have been the sender of your shit (if he is a craven and leave no signature) and award him with the shit present of at least the same size too. You can order the payback here.